Texas Cold Snap
We here in south central Texas are not great at cold. We’re great at hot. We know how to recognize the symptoms of heat stroke and we know to carry gallons of water with us at all times. We know how to use cactus for decoration in the front yard. But the cold?
The scene from my kitchen window. Birds have been guzzling down all the seed I put out.
This cold snap is still going. Many people have no power or water. A work colleague has been filling his bathtub with snow to melt and boil so he has something to drink. We’ve been lucky so far. We have heat, and while the water pressure is not great, we have water.
Discovering snow for the first time.
I must admit that part of me is enjoying the drama and part of me is worried. For the first time in a long while I can enjoy days off from work—the college is closed even for remote work—without worry of losing income. But I’m worried for those without my privileges.
Clem is totally energized by the cold and snow.